My response to the call for proposals for Intercultural Competence in International Higher Education

I’ve recently decided to utilise further one of the projects I embedded into the #ucapsead course and responded to the call for proposals for Intercultural Competence in International Higher Education, which will be included in the popular Routledge series: Internationalization in Higher Education: I’m now waiting to hear if the editors want to include my case…

Art Activism project at the UCA Pre-sessional English for Art and Design 2015

Art Activism: Linking Continents, Bridging Cultures ( was a unique two-week collaborative project between: University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Pre-sessional English for Art and Design course international team, UCA Research and Enterprise team, Tabula Fortis in Pace project artists, Margate Cypriot community, and Pafos 2017 (Cyprus – The European Capital of Culture) chief executive…